How to find yourself in a leadership role?

How to find yourself in a leadership role? A workshop for people early in their managerial career. Includes practices inspired by AIKIDO.


The Leadership Essentials workshop is a work with the development of key leadership competencies as a manager, not just a “training in management techniques”. We use here our experience, that from working with the business and that brought from the extraordinary philosophy and long practice of AIKIDO (Japanese martial art).

Being a manager is not just about managing tasks, projects and “human resources.” It’s also, and perhaps most importantly, finding your authentic ME in your new role – the role of a leader. So that leading people is really effective, rewarding and as stress-free as possible not only for them, but also for the leader.


How to balance managing and leading.
How to delegate and enforce effectively.
How to aptly motivate and appreciate a team.
How to conduct difficult conversations in a constructive way.
How to positively use the diversity of individuals in the team.
How to maintain “work-life balance”.
How to manage yourself in stressful situations.
How to be authentic and in tune with yourself as a manager.
How to outline your further development path as a leader.


We work individually and through a group process, based on real cases from participants’ professional lives.

Before the workshop, there is a pre-work to do (for ~30 min).

Classes last two days, each day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

After the workshop, we have a group call (1h) to support good practices in your daily life.
Group size: 10-20 people
Language: Polish or English


Przemek Gawroński

Executive coach and consultant, change facilitator and social psychologist.

Supports organizations in the change process at the individual leader, team, board and system levels.

Certified by John J. Scherer to conduct Leadership & Executive Development Intensive programs.
In addition to his work as a consultant, Przemek is an Aikido teacher (6 DAN) and runs his own Aikido club with over a hundred practitioners. The philosophy and culture of Aikido greatly influences his unique approach to leading workshops and projects, personal development, conflict transformation, communication and stress management.

Anna Broniek

Coach, manager, blogger, change and development facilitator.

A passionate professional with over 20 years of experience in change management on many international and multicultural projects. She keeps an eye on the cooperation of different “pieces” of the business, combining “soft” and “hard” aspects of management. She loves both operational topics and developmental work with people.

She is certified by John J. Scherer to conduct Leadership & Executive Development Intensive programs.
Ania holds 3 DAN of aikido.